Africa Revenue Summit is the biggest revenue summit in Africa and it was formerly known as Sales Leadership Conference (SLC). It is an opportunity to rewind and restrategise how you and your organisation sell. You also have the opportunity to learn from the real-life experiences of thought leaders in various industries.

Africa Revenue Summit (Afres) is a two days revenue and sales conference hosted yearly where sales and marketing leaders, experts, and C-level executives from across Africa gather to share valuable nuggets on sales strategy, sales leadership, sales enablement, and sales operations.

Over the last five years, AFRES has brought together over 300 experts yearly from Nigeria, South Africa, and Ghana in various industries and sectors

Africa Revenue Summit

To attend the Africa Revenue Summit (AFRES) 2025

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5 Irresistible Strategies to Close High Value Enterprise Grade Deals Now

We all dream of the day we close an enterprise deal fast with one of the big companies.

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