Hear what some of the speakers are saying

Some of the participants for 2023 have already paid

Hear what some of the speakers are saying

Some of the participants for 2023 have already paid

Attending AFRES 2025 will help you achieve these 5 things

1. Learn Revenue Processes: You need a modern approach to drive revenue performance. If your style is hiring more sales reps and knocking on more doors just know that has stopped working. Come and learn what works.

2. Create a Winning culture: If your sales team lacks the habits, behaviour and maturity of winners, this is for you. Your will learn how to create a winning culture.

3. Networking with 200 + C-level: This is not an event for sales executives. Don’t bring your junior sales people. it is an event for sales leaders and revenue enablers. If you are looking for C to C-level networking, this is for you. 200+ have attended annually and 75% are CEOs and directors.

4. A lot of fun: This is learning through relaxation and good food.

We believe that learning should not be another hard-work. We believe learning should be fun. At AFRES this year, we have intentionally designed a learning experience that would leave you with unforgettable memories.

From personalized pictures, red carpet treatment to good quality food and a carefully curated networking experience which is designed to forge connection and friendship the experience at AFRES this year promises fun- a lot of it actually

5. Sales Leadership– If you are a CEO, Director of Sales or Marketing, expect to learn how to lead revenue performance. At the Elite session for Sales Leaders you will learn how to create the processes and structure for repeatable sales while creating a culture of sales excellence.

6. Sales Enablement– If you are Head of HR or Head of People Operations we believe that your role is to support revenue performance. Here, attendees would be learning how to create KPIs or Objective and Key Result Areas (OKRs) that support revenue performance. You would also learn sales onboarding frameworks that quickly elevate sales performance. Sales Execution- If you are leading sales you will learn how to sell to enterprise customers, how to create emotionally connected relationships and a whole lot more

7. Certificate: Get a certificate of Revenue Leadership from Africa’s sales performance Leader.

NB: 10% discount expires  November 10, 2024.


N 127,500 per person
  • Ticket admits 1 person
  • Live access to ALL sessions
  • Light breakfast and lunch
  • AFRES Certificate
  • Opportunity to network with about 400 business leaders
  • Live access to audio and videos of the event


N 102,000 per person
  • Ticket admits 1 person
  • Live access to ALL sessions
  • Light breakfast and lunch
  • AFRES Certificate
  • Opportunity to network with about 400 business leaders

Pay via Transfer

You can also pay into the SalesRuby account:

Account Name: SALERUBY LTD

Account number: 0029240785


Kindly send evidence of payment to training@salesruby.com or Call/WhatsApp: +23409070047686+2349070047684

Not Ready to Make a Payment Now, but Might Make Payment Later. Download AFRES 2023 Event Brochure

Pay via Paystack

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